1. Go to http://lakeviewbungalow.com/business-administrative-services/its/banner-links.php
  2. Click on LancerPoint
  3. Sign in to your LancerPoint account
  4. Go to Finance
  5. Go to Budget Queries to view your budget either by account or by org.
  6. Make sure you select “Budget Status by Account”, then click “Create Query”
  7. Selection on the screen are pre-check, you may mark your own selection.
  8. Make sure to identify the correct fiscal year and fiscal period to view your budget. Click “Submit Query” to show your budget.
  9. This is your budget status report.
    1 you will be able to view if there is any req. is approved against this org. You must check the pending documents before entering a req.
    2 Adopted budget amount of each account
    3 Adjustment amount that are made to its account.
    4 Year to date transactions posted to its account
    5 Adpt budget-YTD-Encum.=Available, this available –(minus) pending document is your real available balance.
    6 You have an option to download all ledger columns or just selected ledger columns
  10. You may click on any RED number to drill down for more details.

    For example, the account 430100 of $525.00 expense. This screen shows more details. JC16 is a journal entry to allocate the expenditure to this account. You may also Click on the RED number FL000729 to see how this journal was posted.
  11. This screen shows a different org information.
    1 is telling you there is no pending document (req. or PO is currently approved in the system)
    2 a drill down of budget adjustment showing J2100957 to decrease $12,000 to the budget account 430100 was done by budget staff.
    3 a drill down of year to date activities will give you a list of what transactions have posted to this account, including journal entries to reclassified the expenses and invoice payments.
    4 a drill down of Encumbrance will give you a list of currently approved encumbrance including POs, contracts, Requisitions and change orders.
  12. Use the first PO P2101518 as an example.
    1 $999.90 is the PO line item amount.
    2 $102.49 is the tax amount added to this PO.
    3 R2101616 is the requisition associated with the PO and showing when it was approved.
    4 A document code start with IXXXXXXX, is an invoice payment.
    5 Document code 14310634 is Banner check number.
    6 Document Code 26317952 is the County check number. Please check with AP to make sure if there is cancellation to this check.